Horncliffe Memorial Hall Committee aim to provide a safe, accessible space for the local and wider community to enjoy, encouraging social interaction and all the benefits that brings to the residents of the Parish. We achieve this by supporting clubs, groups and charities in the local and wider area, who contribute to the above.


TUESDAY 07 JANUARY: SALMON LANTERN MAKING WORKSHOP: 1PM-4PM. Come along and make a salmon lantern for the Salmon Procession (Sunday 12 January)

SUNDAY 12 JANUARY: SALMON PROCESSION: Meet at 7PM at village play park and process to The square and outside Fishers Arms for the toast to the salmon. From the Fishers Arms on to the fire on the Village Green for the ceremonial burning. Lastly, from the Village Green to Horncliffe Memorial Hall to enjoy live music by Salmon City Blues Band, food and a licensed bar. Bring a torch or lantern. Fancy dress optional. Full details and downloadable flyer at https://www.horncliffeevents.co.uk/horncliffe-salmon-procession.

TUESDAY 14 JANUARY: HORNCLIFFE ARTS SOCIETY TALK- BAMBURGH BONES: 2PM-4PM. talk by Sarah Willow – national Landscape Officer at Northumberland Coast National Landscape. Sarah will give an illustrated introduction to the work of the team followed by a talk about the Bamburgh Bones. This is an ongoing partnership project with St Aiden’s CXhurch and Bamburgh Community Trust. Bamburgh Bones is a tale of the Anglo-Saxons that helped shape Northumbria’s golden age. Sarah will also bring replica artefacts which you will be able to examine and handle. Entry is by donation – recommended donation £5. For more information contact Andrew Firth – andrew.firth@mac.com.

THURSDAY 16 JANUARY: ACOUSTIC EVENING: 8PM-10PM. Come along for an open acoustic evening either to play or to listen. All welcome. Entry by donation. Bar open.

SUNDAY 19 JANUARY: LAUNCH OF “THE FRIENDS OF BENCHMARK AT GRINHAM’S WOOD”: 5:30PM-6:30PM. Launch and explanation of a Horncliffe community initiative to celebrate the Grinham Legacy incorporating paths, benches, woodland, wildlife, history, commemoration, art, photography, health and wellbeing. Licensed bar open.

THURSDAY 23 JANUARY: HORNCLIFFE FOLK CLUB-doors open 7:30PM. Come along and enjoy an open Folk evening either to play or simply to listen. Entry £2 – includes a raffle ticket. Licensed bar. Contact Keith Giddens – 07484 145391 or Graham Ambrose – 01289 382577. Email – horncliffefolk@btinternet.com


THURSDAY 06 FEBRUARY: HORNCLIFFE ARTS SOCIETY: Film night. doors open 6:45pm, film starts 7:30pm. Bar open and refreshments available. Membership £10. For more information contact Sue Worth at sueworth@gmail.com or Jaquot Dansie – 07900 966424

SATURDAY 15 FEBRUARY : CEILIDH WITH THE OCCASIONALS: Doors open 7PM with dancing from 7:30PM-10:30PM. The Occasionals are widely regraded as one of the foremost Scottish Ceilidh dance bands so come along for a fun evening of music and dance. No experience necessary as the caller will guide you through the dances. Licensed bar. Advance tickets (recommended) £8 from www.ticketsource.co.uk or £10 (cash only) on the door (space permitting). For more information call: 07896 625677

THURSDAY 20 FEBRUARY: ACOUSTIC EVENING: 8PM-10PM. Come along for an open acoustic evening either to play or to listen. All welcome. Entry by donation. Bar open.

SATURDAY 22 FEBRUARY: BULB SHOW AND COFFEE MORNING: From 10:30AM with presentation of prizes at 12:30PM. All entries are free. For more information contact Jacquot Dansie – 01289 382409 or Mark Inwood – 07961351032. https://www.horncliffememorialhall.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Open-Bulb-Show-2025-Flyer.jpeg.png

THURSDAY 27 FEBRUARY: HORNCLIFFE FOLK CLUB-doors open 7:30PM. Come along and enjoy an open Folk evening either to play or simply to listen. Entry £2 – includes a raffle ticket. Licensed bar. Contact Keith Giddens – 07484 145391 or Graham Ambrose – 01289 382577. Email – horncliffefolk@btinternet.com
