The Shop in the Veg Shed is closed at the moment but should reopen at the end of February/beginning of March 2021. Items with contact details are still available by contacting the seller.

Eileen’s Nuts green cleaning products. Prices from £1-£2. All money raised goes to local projects and charities. Contact Eileen on 07742941347 or

the hare in winter – Hand produced in Horncliffe by locals – carved wooden spoons, bowls, platters and boards, also handprinted kitchen and dining linens. Visit our website here As a thank you for shopping local use the code HAPPYSHOPPING to get a 10% discount.

Lovely handmade glass angels, incorporating original glass from the old church, for sale. They are approximately 6 inches tall and cost £22 each. Proceeds, after deduction of expenses, to the Memorial Hall. To buy one please contact Eileen on 01289 382163 e-mail